TableSherpa: ChatGPT to Sheets Exporter

Privacy Policy

V1.1 - Last Edited on June 14, 2024

Privacy Policy

V1.1 - Last Edited on June 14, 2024

Privacy Policy

V1.1 - Last Edited on June 14, 2024

At Weekday Operation Vacation Pvt Ltd. (“Superjoin“we”, “us” or “our”) we take your privacy and the security of your information very seriously. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) covers Superjoin owned websites (“Site”or “Sites”), including and platforms, and any services offered by Superjoin, including as may be offered through the G Suite Marketplace  (collectively, the “Services”) to you (“Users”). This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and is part of, our Terms of Service available at which govern your access to the Services.  Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Terms of Service. If you have any questions regarding this Policy please contact us at . The Policy describes the types of information we gather from Users, including people using our Services and from individual Users interacting with the Services, and how we use, transfer, and secure such information.  By using any of the Services, you agree to be bound by this Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, please do not use any of our Services.  Each time you use our Services, the current version of this Policy will apply.  Accordingly, when you use any of our Services, you should check the date of this Policy (which appears at the top) and review any changes since you last reviewed the Policy.

1.  Types of Information We Collect

1.1  Personal Information Collected
1.1.1 Superjoin collects Personal Information you voluntarily provide to us when you use our Services.  For example, you may provide us with your email address or other Personal Information.

1.1.2 We do not control your use of our Services to share information with others.  If you chose to share information publicly through our Services, please understand that we cannot control the actions of third parties who could collect this information.

1.2 Collection of Personal Information by Third Parties

‍1.2.1 Some links on our Services may redirect you to third party resources, including websites and services that Superjoin does not operate.  The privacy practices of these websites and services will be governed by their own policies. We make no representation or warranty as to the privacy policies of any third parties, including the providers of third party applications. If you are submitting information to any such third party through our Services, you should review and understand that party’s applicable policies, including their privacy policy, before providing your information to the third party.

1.3 Information Collected via Google APIs

Any information obtained from Google APIs by Superjoin and subsequently shared with other apps will be subject to Google API Services User Data Policy, which includes compliance with Limited Use requirements.

1.4  Aggregate Information Collected 

1.4.1  Aggregate Information is information that does not identify you.  Aggregate Information may be collected when you use our Services independent of any information you voluntarily enter. Superjoin may collect, use, store, and transfer Aggregate Information without restriction where collected by automated means via our Site.

1.4.2  For example, when you visit our Site, some information is automatically collected. Such information could include your operating system, the site from which you linked to us (“referring page”), the name of the website you choose to visit immediately after ours (called the “exit page”),information about other websites you have recently visited, browser (software used to browse the internet) type and language, device identifier numbers, your site activity, and the time and date of your visit.  Although we do our best to honour the privacy preferences of our visitors, we are not able to respond to Do Not Track signals from your browser at this time.

1.4.3  We may also use cookies, pixels, beacons, or other web tracking technologies to track the amount of time spent on our Sites or social media and whether or not certain content, such as a video was viewed. We may work with a third party to collect and process this information for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with this Policy.

1.5 Use of “Cookies”

‍1.5.1  Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser to help us identify you when you come to our Site. You have choices with respect to cookies.  By modifying your browser preferences, you have the choice to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set, or to reject all cookies.  If you choose to reject all cookies you may be unable to use those aspects of our Sites that require registration in order to participate. You can learn more about cookies and how they work  You can always disable cookies through your browser settings. Doing so, however, may disable certain features on our Sites.

1.6  Analytics

‍1.6.1   We may use third parties, such as Google Analytics or other analytics providers, to analyse traffic to a Site. Google Analytics does not create individual profiles for visitors and only collects aggregate data.  To disable Google Analytics, please download the browser add-on for the deactivation of Google Analytics provided by Google.  To learn more about privacy and Google Analytics, please consult the Google Analytics overview provided by Google.  You may find additional information about Google Analytics at You have the option to opt out of Google’s use of cookies by changing your settings through Google Ad Settings via the Google advertising opt-out page at

2. Sharing of Personal Information with Third Parties

2.1. We may transfer Personal Information to third parties for the purpose of providing the Services. We may disclose Personal Information to our appropriate affiliates, including third party service providers, to provide you with the Services. For example, we may transfer your Personal Information to third party service providers to (i)allow for provision of certain information technology architecture, (ii) communicate with third party services regarding requests you have made through the Services if applicable. These third party are not authorized to retain, share, store or use the Personal Information for any purposes other than to provide the services they have been hired to provide. We do not sell, trade or otherwise share Personal Information with third parties for the marketing purposes of the third party.

2.2. Additionally, at your direction, and through your use of the Services, Superjoin will transfer Personal Information to supported third parties, such as Google at your direction (“User Controlled Third Parties”). Superjoin does not control the data practices of User Controlled Third Parties, and you under take any such transfer at your own risk. The privacy practices of User Controlled Third Parties fall under their own privacy policies, which we encourage you to review.

2.3. We may also elect to transfer your Personal Information to third parties under special circumstances to: (i) to comply with a legal requirement, judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on Superjoin or its affiliates, (ii) to investigate a possible crime, such as fraud or identity theft; (iii) in connection with the sale, purchase, merger, reorganization, liquidation or dissolution of Superjoin; (iv) when we believe it is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of Superjoin or other persons, or (v)as otherwise required or permitted by law, including any contractual obligations of Superjoin .

2.4 Information Shared with AI Models

2.4.1 Superjoin utilises advanced technologies, including AI models & AI tools to enhance the services provided. However, Superjoin does not send any of your information or chat to any external AI models or external tools apart from Google Sheets.

2.4.2 The primary interaction with AI tools, specifically ChatGPT-3.5 & ChatGPT-4, involves extracting tabular data from the webpage chat itself and writing it directly to your sheet. This process is designed to be seamless and secure, ensuring that your data remains protected and is not shared or exposed to external entities.

2.4.3 We continuously review and update our data handling practices to ensure that they align with our commitment to your privacy. If you have any concerns or require further clarifications about how we interact with AI tools, please reach out to us at

  1. Corrections/Information Removal/Opt-Out

3.1. You can request that any Personal Information stored by Superjoin be deleted at any time by contacting us at . We may require you to provide certain information to verify that it is you making the request.

  1. Children and Privacy

4.1. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children in connection with the features of our Services, and our Services are not to be used by those under the age of 13. If we become aware that an individual under the age of 13 has provided personally identifiable information through our Services, we will immediately remove the individual’s personally identifiable information from our files.

5. How Do We Protect Your Information

5.1. We take the security of your Personal Information very seriously. We use reasonable administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to secure the Personal Information you share with us. Despite these safeguards and our additional efforts to secure your information, we cannot promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorized third-parties will not be able to defeat our security, and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify your Personal Information

5.2. The security of the user profile you create on any instance of the Site or through the Services relies on your protection of your login credentials, if any. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your login credentials, including your password and for any and all activities that occur under your account. You may not share your password with anyone. We will never ask you to send your password or other sensitive information to us in an email, though we may ask you to enter this type of information on a Superjoin website, or a Superjoin application embedded in other services, such as Google Sheets.

5.3. Any email or other communication purporting to be from us requesting your password or asking you to provide sensitive account information via email, should be treated as unauthorized and suspicious and should be reported to us immediately by emailing If you believe someone else has obtained access to your password, please change it immediately and report it to us.

6. Will Superjoin Change This Privacy Policy?

6.1. Each time you use our Services, the current version of the Policy will apply. When you use any of our Services, you should check the date of this Policy (which appears at the top of the Policy) and review any changes since the last version. Our business changes frequently and this Policy is subject to change from time to time. Unless stated otherwise, our current Policy applies to all information that we have about you.

7. How Do I contact Superjoin?

7.1. To contact us with your questions or comments regarding this Policy or the information collection and dissemination practices of this website, please email us at

8. Governing Law

8.1. This Policy is governed by the laws of the India without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law.

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