

How to Automate Sales Forecasting with Google Sheets

This guide shows you how to leverage a FREE Google Sheets sales forecast template to gain real-time insights and boost your closing rate.




How to Automate Sales Forecasting with Google Sheets

This guide shows you how to leverage a FREE Google Sheets sales forecast template to gain real-time insights and boost your closing rate.

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Table of Contents

How to Automate Sales Forecasting with Google Sheets
How to Automate Sales Forecasting with Google Sheets
How to Automate Sales Forecasting with Google Sheets

In the ever-changing world of sales, accurate forecasting is crucial. It empowers businesses to make informed decisions about resource allocation, budgeting, and future goals. However, manually crunching numbers and creating forecasts can be time-consuming and error-prone.

This is where Google Sheets comes in as a game-changer. With its user-friendly interface and powerful formulas, Google Sheets allows you to automate a significant portion of your sales forecasting process. This blog delves into how you can leverage Google Sheets' functionalities to create a robust and automated Google Sheets sales forecast template.

Steps to Automating Sales Forecasting With Google Sheets

1. Setting Up Your Data

The first step in automating sales forecasting with Google Sheets is to set up your data. You'll need historical sales data as well as any relevant factors that may impact future sales, such as marketing campaigns, seasonal trends, or economic indicators. Once you have gathered this data, you can organize it in Google Sheets to create a structured dataset for analysis.

2. Using Formulas and Functions

Google Sheets offers a wide range of formulas and functions that can be used to manipulate and analyze your sales data. From simple arithmetic operations to more complex statistical analysis, Google Sheets has the tools you need to calculate sales trends, identify patterns, and make accurate Google Sheets sales forecast template.

3. Building Visualizations

Visualizing your sales data can provide valuable insights and help you identify trends and patterns that may not be immediately apparent from the raw numbers. Google Sheets offers a variety of visualization tools, such as charts and graphs, that can help you present your sales forecasts in a clear and compelling manner.

4. Automating the Process

Once you have set up your data, implemented formulas and functions, and created visualizations, you can automate the sales forecasting process by scheduling regular updates and data imports. Google Sheets allows you to set up automated scripts and triggers that can refresh your data and update your forecasts at regular intervals, saving you time and effort.

Building Your Google Sheets Sales Forecast Template

Here's a step-by-step guide to building your automated Google Sheets sales forecast template:

1. Define Your Forecast Period:

  • Will it be monthly, quarterly, or annual?

  • Clearly define the timeframe you want to forecast in your sheet.

2. Set Up Your Data Columns:

  • Include columns for relevant data points like date, product/service, historical sales figures, and any other factors influencing sales (e.g., marketing campaigns, seasonality).

3. Historical Sales Data:

  • Import historical sales data from your CRM or accounting software.This information is crucial for building your forecast.

4. Forecasting Method Selection:

There are various forecasting methods available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here are some popular options for Google Sheets:

  • Trendline Forecasting: This method identifies trends in historical data and extrapolates them into the future. Use the `FORECAST` function for this.

  • Moving Average: This method smooths out fluctuations in historical data by calculating an average over a specific period. Use the `AVERAGE` function with the `OFFSET` function to create a moving average.

  • Weighted Average: This method assigns different weights to historical data points based on their perceived importance. You can achieve this with a combination of `AVERAGE` and `SUMPRODUCT` functions.

5. Automate Calculations with Formulas:

This is where the magic happens! Google Sheets offers a plethora of formulas to automate your Google Sheets sales forecast template. Here's an example using the FORECAST function for a trendline forecast:

=FORECAST(Y(Cell with target forecast), KNOWN_Y's (Range of historical sales data), KNOWN_X's (Range of corresponding historical dates))

6. Visualize Your Forecast:

Charts and graphs provide a clear visual representation of your forecast data. Google Sheets offers various chart types to showcase your data trends.

7. Include Assumptions and Notes:

Clearly document any assumptions made during the forecasting process. This adds transparency and context for future reference.

8. Leverage Conditional Formatting:

Conditional formatting allows you to visually highlight cells based on specific criteria. For example, highlight cells exceeding or falling below forecasted values.

9. Integrate with Other Tools:

Google Sheets seamlessly integrates with other Google Apps like Forms and Data Studio. You can use Forms to collect real-time sales data that automatically populates your forecast sheet. Data Studio allows you to create interactive dashboards based on your sales forecast data.

10. Continuously Monitor and Update:

No forecast is perfect. Regularly monitor your forecast against actual sales figures and make adjustments as needed.

Methods of Automating Sales Forecasting in Google Sheets

Different methods of automating sales forecasting in Google Sheets are:

  1. Simple Moving Average (SMA).

  2. Exponential Smoothing (ETS).

  3. Linear Regression (FORECAST.LINEAR).

  4. Seasonal Forecast (FORECAST.ETS).

To illustrate how to automate sales forecasting with Google Sheets, let's work with a sample dataset. The dataset, shown below, is extracted from HubSpot and imported into Google Sheets using Superjoin.

For detailed instructions on connecting HubSpot to Google Sheets, please refer to our blog “How to Integrate HubSpot to Google Sheets Seamlessly”. Let’s begin.

Methods of Automating Sales Forecasting in Google Sheets

1. Simple Moving Average (SMA)

The Simple Moving Average (SMA) calculates the average of a specified number of past periods to smooth out data and identify trends.

Things to Calculate:

  • Determine the number of periods for the moving average (e.g., 3 months).

  • Calculate the average of the specified number of periods.

Steps to perform:

  1. Click on cell C6.

  2. Enter the formula: =AVERAGE(B2:B4)

  3. Drag the fill handle from C6 down to C14 to fill in the rest of the moving averages.

Simple Moving Average (SMA)

2. Exponential Smoothing (ETS)

Exponential Smoothing (ETS) forecasts future values by assigning exponentially decreasing weights to past observations, which means more recent observations have a greater influence.

Things to Calculate:

  • Use the FORECAST.ETS function which takes into account seasonality and trends.

  • Provide the target date, the range of values, and the corresponding timeline.

Steps to perform:

  1. Click on cell D9.

  2. Enter the formula: =FORECAST.ETS(DATE(2023, 7, 31), B3:B8, A3:A8)

  3. Drag the fill handle from C9 down to C14 to fill in the rest of the forecasts.

Exponential Smoothing (ETS)

3. Linear Regression (FORECAST.LINEAR)

Linear regression predicts future values based on a linear trend of past data points.

Things to Calculate:

  1. Use the FORECAST.LINEAR function which fits a straight line to the past data points and uses it to predict future values.

  2. Provide the target date, the range of values, and the corresponding timeline.

Steps to perform:

  1. Click on cell D9.

  2. Enter the formula: =FORECAST.LINEAR(DATE(2023, 7, 31), B3:B8, A3:A8)

  3. Drag the fill handle from D9 down to D14 to fill in the rest of the forecasts.

Linear Regression (FORECAST.LINEAR)

4. Seasonal Forecast (FORECAST.ETS)

Seasonal Forecast (ETS) is specifically designed for time series data with seasonality. It automatically detects and uses seasonal patterns in the data to make predictions.

Things to Calculate:

  1. Use the FORECAST.ETS function similar to ETS, but with an emphasis on seasonality.

  2. Provide the target date, the range of values, and the corresponding timeline.

Steps to perform:

  1. Click on cell D9.

  2. Enter the formula: =FORECAST.ETS(DATE(2023, 7, 31), B3:B8, A3:A8)

  3. Drag the fill handle from D9 own to D14 to fill in the rest of the forecasts.

Seasonal Forecast (FORECAST.ETS)

Now, we can visualize our Forecasting Data using Charts!

visualize our Forecasting Data using Charts

Choose the “waterfall column”

Choose the “waterfall column”

In just a few clicks, you can bring your HubSpot data into Google Sheets and automatically predict your sales revenue.

Advanced Forecasting Techniques

While the methods discussed above provide a solid foundation, Google Sheets offers the capability for more sophisticated forecasting techniques like:

  • Exponential Smoothing: This method is effective for data with trends or seasonality. It assigns weights to past data points, with more recent data having higher weightage. You can't directly use a function for this in Google Sheets, but add-ons like Superjoin for Google Sheets which allow you to perform exponential smoothing forecasts within the sheet.

  • Moving Average: This technique calculates the average of a defined number of recent data points, smoothing out fluctuations. While not strictly a forecast, it can be a helpful precursor for trend identification. Google Sheets has built-in functions like AVERAGE or AVERAGE to calculate moving averages.

  • Regression Analysis: This goes beyond FORECAST and allows you to fit various curves (linear, polynomial, etc.) to your data. You can use the LINEST function to get regression coefficients and then use those to make forecasts for future data points. However, this method assumes a linear relationship between variables, which may not always hold true.

  • Scenario Planning: This involves creating multiple forecasts based on different assumptions about future conditions. Google Sheets allows you to create different data sets for various scenarios and use them with FORECAST or other techniques to see how your forecasts change.

Benefits of Automating Sales Forecasting with Google Sheets

Before we dive into the specifics, let's explore the key benefits of automating your sales forecasting with Google Sheets:

  • Increased Efficiency: Automating calculations frees up valuable time you can dedicate to strategic sales activities.

  • Reduced Errors: Formulas eliminate the risk of human error in manual calculations, leading to more reliable forecasts.

  • Improved Collaboration: Google Sheets facilitates real-time collaboration, allowing your sales team to access and update the forecast simultaneously.

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Historical data integration provides a solid foundation for more accurate forecasts.

  • Cost-Effective Solution: Unlike dedicated forecasting software, Google Sheets is a free and readily available tool for most businesses.


By leveraging Google Sheets' capabilities and exploring techniques like exponential smoothing or scenario planning, you've transformed sales forecasting from a time-consuming chore into a streamlined process. This newfound efficiency empowers your sales team to focus on what matters most: closing deals. Remember, forecasts are a guide, not a guarantee. Use the insights from your automated system to make informed decisions, adapt to changing conditions, and consistently surpass your sales goals.

Say Goodbye To Tedious Data Exports! 

Are you tired of spending hours manually exporting CSVs from different tools and importing them into Google Sheets? 

Superjoin is a data connector for Google Sheets that connects your favorite SaaS tools to Google Sheets automatically. You can get data from these platforms into Google Sheets automatically to build reports that update automatically. 

Bid farewell to tedious exports and repetitive tasks. With Superjoin, you can add 1 additional day to your week. Try Superjoin out for free or schedule a demo.

In the ever-changing world of sales, accurate forecasting is crucial. It empowers businesses to make informed decisions about resource allocation, budgeting, and future goals. However, manually crunching numbers and creating forecasts can be time-consuming and error-prone.

This is where Google Sheets comes in as a game-changer. With its user-friendly interface and powerful formulas, Google Sheets allows you to automate a significant portion of your sales forecasting process. This blog delves into how you can leverage Google Sheets' functionalities to create a robust and automated Google Sheets sales forecast template.

Steps to Automating Sales Forecasting With Google Sheets

1. Setting Up Your Data

The first step in automating sales forecasting with Google Sheets is to set up your data. You'll need historical sales data as well as any relevant factors that may impact future sales, such as marketing campaigns, seasonal trends, or economic indicators. Once you have gathered this data, you can organize it in Google Sheets to create a structured dataset for analysis.

2. Using Formulas and Functions

Google Sheets offers a wide range of formulas and functions that can be used to manipulate and analyze your sales data. From simple arithmetic operations to more complex statistical analysis, Google Sheets has the tools you need to calculate sales trends, identify patterns, and make accurate Google Sheets sales forecast template.

3. Building Visualizations

Visualizing your sales data can provide valuable insights and help you identify trends and patterns that may not be immediately apparent from the raw numbers. Google Sheets offers a variety of visualization tools, such as charts and graphs, that can help you present your sales forecasts in a clear and compelling manner.

4. Automating the Process

Once you have set up your data, implemented formulas and functions, and created visualizations, you can automate the sales forecasting process by scheduling regular updates and data imports. Google Sheets allows you to set up automated scripts and triggers that can refresh your data and update your forecasts at regular intervals, saving you time and effort.

Building Your Google Sheets Sales Forecast Template

Here's a step-by-step guide to building your automated Google Sheets sales forecast template:

1. Define Your Forecast Period:

  • Will it be monthly, quarterly, or annual?

  • Clearly define the timeframe you want to forecast in your sheet.

2. Set Up Your Data Columns:

  • Include columns for relevant data points like date, product/service, historical sales figures, and any other factors influencing sales (e.g., marketing campaigns, seasonality).

3. Historical Sales Data:

  • Import historical sales data from your CRM or accounting software.This information is crucial for building your forecast.

4. Forecasting Method Selection:

There are various forecasting methods available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here are some popular options for Google Sheets:

  • Trendline Forecasting: This method identifies trends in historical data and extrapolates them into the future. Use the `FORECAST` function for this.

  • Moving Average: This method smooths out fluctuations in historical data by calculating an average over a specific period. Use the `AVERAGE` function with the `OFFSET` function to create a moving average.

  • Weighted Average: This method assigns different weights to historical data points based on their perceived importance. You can achieve this with a combination of `AVERAGE` and `SUMPRODUCT` functions.

5. Automate Calculations with Formulas:

This is where the magic happens! Google Sheets offers a plethora of formulas to automate your Google Sheets sales forecast template. Here's an example using the FORECAST function for a trendline forecast:

=FORECAST(Y(Cell with target forecast), KNOWN_Y's (Range of historical sales data), KNOWN_X's (Range of corresponding historical dates))

6. Visualize Your Forecast:

Charts and graphs provide a clear visual representation of your forecast data. Google Sheets offers various chart types to showcase your data trends.

7. Include Assumptions and Notes:

Clearly document any assumptions made during the forecasting process. This adds transparency and context for future reference.

8. Leverage Conditional Formatting:

Conditional formatting allows you to visually highlight cells based on specific criteria. For example, highlight cells exceeding or falling below forecasted values.

9. Integrate with Other Tools:

Google Sheets seamlessly integrates with other Google Apps like Forms and Data Studio. You can use Forms to collect real-time sales data that automatically populates your forecast sheet. Data Studio allows you to create interactive dashboards based on your sales forecast data.

10. Continuously Monitor and Update:

No forecast is perfect. Regularly monitor your forecast against actual sales figures and make adjustments as needed.

Methods of Automating Sales Forecasting in Google Sheets

Different methods of automating sales forecasting in Google Sheets are:

  1. Simple Moving Average (SMA).

  2. Exponential Smoothing (ETS).

  3. Linear Regression (FORECAST.LINEAR).

  4. Seasonal Forecast (FORECAST.ETS).

To illustrate how to automate sales forecasting with Google Sheets, let's work with a sample dataset. The dataset, shown below, is extracted from HubSpot and imported into Google Sheets using Superjoin.

For detailed instructions on connecting HubSpot to Google Sheets, please refer to our blog “How to Integrate HubSpot to Google Sheets Seamlessly”. Let’s begin.

Methods of Automating Sales Forecasting in Google Sheets

1. Simple Moving Average (SMA)

The Simple Moving Average (SMA) calculates the average of a specified number of past periods to smooth out data and identify trends.

Things to Calculate:

  • Determine the number of periods for the moving average (e.g., 3 months).

  • Calculate the average of the specified number of periods.

Steps to perform:

  1. Click on cell C6.

  2. Enter the formula: =AVERAGE(B2:B4)

  3. Drag the fill handle from C6 down to C14 to fill in the rest of the moving averages.

Simple Moving Average (SMA)

2. Exponential Smoothing (ETS)

Exponential Smoothing (ETS) forecasts future values by assigning exponentially decreasing weights to past observations, which means more recent observations have a greater influence.

Things to Calculate:

  • Use the FORECAST.ETS function which takes into account seasonality and trends.

  • Provide the target date, the range of values, and the corresponding timeline.

Steps to perform:

  1. Click on cell D9.

  2. Enter the formula: =FORECAST.ETS(DATE(2023, 7, 31), B3:B8, A3:A8)

  3. Drag the fill handle from C9 down to C14 to fill in the rest of the forecasts.

Exponential Smoothing (ETS)

3. Linear Regression (FORECAST.LINEAR)

Linear regression predicts future values based on a linear trend of past data points.

Things to Calculate:

  1. Use the FORECAST.LINEAR function which fits a straight line to the past data points and uses it to predict future values.

  2. Provide the target date, the range of values, and the corresponding timeline.

Steps to perform:

  1. Click on cell D9.

  2. Enter the formula: =FORECAST.LINEAR(DATE(2023, 7, 31), B3:B8, A3:A8)

  3. Drag the fill handle from D9 down to D14 to fill in the rest of the forecasts.

Linear Regression (FORECAST.LINEAR)

4. Seasonal Forecast (FORECAST.ETS)

Seasonal Forecast (ETS) is specifically designed for time series data with seasonality. It automatically detects and uses seasonal patterns in the data to make predictions.

Things to Calculate:

  1. Use the FORECAST.ETS function similar to ETS, but with an emphasis on seasonality.

  2. Provide the target date, the range of values, and the corresponding timeline.

Steps to perform:

  1. Click on cell D9.

  2. Enter the formula: =FORECAST.ETS(DATE(2023, 7, 31), B3:B8, A3:A8)

  3. Drag the fill handle from D9 own to D14 to fill in the rest of the forecasts.

Seasonal Forecast (FORECAST.ETS)

Now, we can visualize our Forecasting Data using Charts!

visualize our Forecasting Data using Charts

Choose the “waterfall column”

Choose the “waterfall column”

In just a few clicks, you can bring your HubSpot data into Google Sheets and automatically predict your sales revenue.

Advanced Forecasting Techniques

While the methods discussed above provide a solid foundation, Google Sheets offers the capability for more sophisticated forecasting techniques like:

  • Exponential Smoothing: This method is effective for data with trends or seasonality. It assigns weights to past data points, with more recent data having higher weightage. You can't directly use a function for this in Google Sheets, but add-ons like Superjoin for Google Sheets which allow you to perform exponential smoothing forecasts within the sheet.

  • Moving Average: This technique calculates the average of a defined number of recent data points, smoothing out fluctuations. While not strictly a forecast, it can be a helpful precursor for trend identification. Google Sheets has built-in functions like AVERAGE or AVERAGE to calculate moving averages.

  • Regression Analysis: This goes beyond FORECAST and allows you to fit various curves (linear, polynomial, etc.) to your data. You can use the LINEST function to get regression coefficients and then use those to make forecasts for future data points. However, this method assumes a linear relationship between variables, which may not always hold true.

  • Scenario Planning: This involves creating multiple forecasts based on different assumptions about future conditions. Google Sheets allows you to create different data sets for various scenarios and use them with FORECAST or other techniques to see how your forecasts change.

Benefits of Automating Sales Forecasting with Google Sheets

Before we dive into the specifics, let's explore the key benefits of automating your sales forecasting with Google Sheets:

  • Increased Efficiency: Automating calculations frees up valuable time you can dedicate to strategic sales activities.

  • Reduced Errors: Formulas eliminate the risk of human error in manual calculations, leading to more reliable forecasts.

  • Improved Collaboration: Google Sheets facilitates real-time collaboration, allowing your sales team to access and update the forecast simultaneously.

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Historical data integration provides a solid foundation for more accurate forecasts.

  • Cost-Effective Solution: Unlike dedicated forecasting software, Google Sheets is a free and readily available tool for most businesses.


By leveraging Google Sheets' capabilities and exploring techniques like exponential smoothing or scenario planning, you've transformed sales forecasting from a time-consuming chore into a streamlined process. This newfound efficiency empowers your sales team to focus on what matters most: closing deals. Remember, forecasts are a guide, not a guarantee. Use the insights from your automated system to make informed decisions, adapt to changing conditions, and consistently surpass your sales goals.

Say Goodbye To Tedious Data Exports! 

Are you tired of spending hours manually exporting CSVs from different tools and importing them into Google Sheets? 

Superjoin is a data connector for Google Sheets that connects your favorite SaaS tools to Google Sheets automatically. You can get data from these platforms into Google Sheets automatically to build reports that update automatically. 

Bid farewell to tedious exports and repetitive tasks. With Superjoin, you can add 1 additional day to your week. Try Superjoin out for free or schedule a demo.


Is Google Sheets powerful enough for sales forecasting?

Is Google Sheets powerful enough for sales forecasting?

Do I need any special skills to automate Google Sheets sales forecast template?

Do I need any special skills to automate Google Sheets sales forecast template?

Are there any limitations to using Google Sheets for sales forecasting?

Are there any limitations to using Google Sheets for sales forecasting?

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How to Automate Sales Forecasting with Google Sheets

This guide shows you how to leverage a FREE Google Sheets sales forecast template to gain real-time insights and boost your closing rate.