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Share of Voice

The brand's market visibility compared to competitors.

Share of Voice

The brand's market visibility compared to competitors.

Share of Voice

The brand's market visibility compared to competitors.


Share of Voice = (Brand Mentions / Total Market Mentions) * 100

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Importance of

Share of Voice

  1. Competitive Analysis Tool

Share of Voice measures how much of the market's conversation a brand owns compared to competitors, serving as a critical competitive analysis tool.

  1. Brand Visibility

A high Share of Voice typically correlates with high brand visibility, which can translate to greater brand awareness and recognition.

  1. Market Position

Monitoring this metric helps gauge a brand’s position in the market, aiding strategic decisions regarding advertising, promotions, and public relations.

Drawbacks of

Share of Voice

  1. Does Not Measure Sentiment

Share of Voice quantifies how often a brand is mentioned but doesn’t assess whether those mentions are positive or negative.

  1. Can Be Misleading

High Share of Voice does not automatically mean high market share or profitability; it merely indicates visibility, not business success.

  1. Resource Heavy

Increasing and maintaining a high Share of Voice can be resource-heavy, requiring substantial investment in marketing and promotional activities.

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