Here’s a breakdown of how this dashboard aids businesses and the benefits it delivers:
Net Cash Flow Analysis: Tracks the actual cash generated after all expenditures, giving a clear picture of the company's financial health and its ability to sustain operations, invest, and grow.
Gross Cash Flow Insights: Offers a detailed view of total cash inflow before any expenses, highlighting the primary revenue sources such as gross subscription revenue and non-recurring cash flow.
Refunds Monitoring: Keeps track of the refunds issued, which is essential for managing customer satisfaction and understanding the impact of refunds on overall cash flow.
Failed Transactions Overview: Identifies failed transactions that could potentially impact cash flow, offering an opportunity to rectify issues and recover revenue.
Week Over Week (WoW) Net Cash Flow: Provides insights into the net cash flow changes on a weekly basis, enabling quick adjustments to financial strategies and operations to address any emerging challenges.