
StackIt is now Superjoin.ai

StackIt is now Superjoin.ai

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Free template to get you started

Trial Plan Performance Dashboard

Get real-time data to understand trial users and their transition into paying subscribers, and drive revenue growth.

Free template to get you started

Trial Plan Performance Dashboard

Get real-time data to understand trial users and their transition into paying subscribers, and drive revenue growth.

loved by 2000+ users in 300+ companies

Join over 3000 people using Superjoin

  • StackIt Customer - Let's Aspire Logo

Join over 3000 people using Superjoin

  • StackIt Customer - Let's Aspire Logo


Key Features of Dashboards

Real-Time Data

Auto-Update dashboards that
connect with live data sources

On Google Sheets

Don’t learn any new tools, do 10X
Faster Reporting on top of Google

Pre-Built Templates

Use pre-built templates to get
started quickly and tailor them to
your business needs

Plug & Play

Connect to your live data from
RevOps tools in 1-Click to update
these dashboards


Connect live data with Google Sheets

Try within 2 minutes. no Card required

RevOps on Sheets. Do daily reporting 10 times faster.

Install for Free

Automatic Data Pulls

Set Alerts

Visual Data Preview

Try within 2 minutes. no Card required

RevOps on Sheets. Do daily reporting 10 times faster.

Automatic Data Pulls

Set Alerts

Visual Data Preview